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Corporate Educational Events

Nutrition Talks and Seminars

Topics Include:

  • Beating the obesity epidemic

  • Functional Sports Nutrition

  • Stress and nutrition (wired - but tired)

  • Food for the Brain - Healthy Eating for School Children

  • Nutrition for children with special educational needs, ADD, ADHD, Autism

  • Cardiovascular Health

  • Eating smart for Exams / Teenage nutrition

I am also available to run on-site Corporate workshops, where I provide an overview of the impact of food and nutrition on the body and explain how tailoring your diet can help improve health and quality of life. These sessions can be followed up with individual consultations. To discuss this further and to see how I can meet your exact requirements please call me to discuss on If you require other subjects to be covered please contact me on 07875711449 as different talks are available on request

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